English Facilitator

(Tampere, Pirkanmaa)


Business English for groups, for example:

  • a sales team, or customer service advisors
  • a team of mixed roles; for example, hardware and software engineers
  • the English is tailored to the working areas of those teams

Business English for 1:1s, for example:

  • a member of your staff who needs particular help
  • a busy CEO or other C-level executive who needs personalised help
  • the English is tailored to the working area of that person

English in documents, for example:

  • proofreading (final check before publishing)
  • editing (help with structure during the writing process)

Voiceovers, so English language voice guidance; for example:

  • training video
  • product descriptions
  • service descriptions

We will need to use a recording

About me

I am a CELTA-certified English Language teacher with a business background training companies in Finland in Business English. My objective is to help companies increase the proficiency of their staff in the English language through an international perspective.

The training I provide is for people at all levels within a company and takes place weekly. The classes are focused on increasing confidence in spoken English using material directly related to the customer’s business.

My strengths are:

  • An extensive business background from Microsoft, Nokia, Motorola and other telecommunication companies working in multi-cultural environments.
  • A native English speaker with a standard accent and without dialect
  • I understand people’s needs when learning a foreign language because I am a language student myself (of Finnish).


Recommendation from Insta Group (in Finnish)

Tim on ollut yhteistyökumppanimme vuosia ja olemme olleet erittäin tyytyväisiä. Tim on avulias ja asiaansa perehtyvä ammattilainen. Hänen tuntinsa ovat aina huolellisesti suunniteltuja ja joka kerralla on uusi teema, uudenlaista…
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Recommendation from Neuro Event Labs (in Finnish)

Recommendation from NeuroLabs Saimme mahdollisuuden osallistua Timin opetukseen keväällä 2023. Tuntien alussa keskustelimme monista erilaisista aiheista, joita Tim oli valmiiksi valinnut. Sen jälkeen keskustelimme kotitehtäväksi annetuista artikkeleista ja näin uutta…
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Recommendation from Satakieli koulutus (in Finnish)

Tim Housley on menestyksellisesti opettanut Satakieli koulutus Oy:n yritysasiakkaille työelämän sanastoon painottuvia englannin kursseja. Hän on työhönsä paneutuva ja erittäin pidetty opettaja. Asiakkaidemme työssä tarvittava sanasto vaatii opettajalta materiaalin valmistelua…
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Recommendation from Terveystalo

Tim held two English courses at Terveystalo, in 2017 and 2019. The aim of both courses was to increasethe confidence of the participants when speaking English with customers. The feedback…
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Recommendation from Delingua

Tim Housley has been working as an English language trainer for Delingua for several years. We have been very pleased with his work. Tim has taught work-related English to many…
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Recommendation from Intopalo

At Intopalo we have used Tim Housley for English language services for almost two years in the areas of written and spoken English. Our company documentation is in English, we…
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Maarit Kinnunen – Proofreading (In Finnish)

Tim Housley on kielitarkastanut paitsi englanninkielisen väitöskirjani myös lukuisia konferenssiabstraktejani ja tutkimusartikkeleitani (esim. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Popular Music). Timin toimintatapana on, että hän kysyy jo työn…
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Header photograph by Laura Vanzo, Visit Tampere 2021